Overview of our R&D Projects.


"LightKone" - Lightweight computations on the edge

The goal of LightKone is to develop a scientifically sound and industrially validated model for doing general-purpose computation on edge networks. Project results will be new programming models and algorithms that advance scientific understanding, implemented in new industrial applications, and evaluated in large-scale realistic settings.

The project produced an open document – “LightKone Reference Architecture” (LiRA) – that comprehends and presents the project proposals, and their relation with other reference architectures, to the public. The LiRA document is available here.


"SENIOR-TV": Providing ICT-based formal and informal care at home

SENIOR-TV aims to provide a TV-based platform to run third-party applications, with social, medical and entertainment purposes, which may be combined with other equipment such as smartphones and tablets. SENIOR TV will be distributed with a set of built-in applications that will render the product functional out-of-the-box.


"SMARTHEAT": Smart, secure and user friendly heating monitoring and control for elderly people

The aim of the SmartHeat project is to radically change the home heating experience for health, comfort and wellbeing of elderly people. The goal will be achieved via the development of a smart, secure and elderly friendly ICT system for home heating monitoring and control.


"ProMe" - Professional Intergenerational Cooperation and Mentoring

Employment even after retirement has been identified to positively influence life satisfaction, especially for individuals aged 65 years and older. ProMe allows professional intergenerational cooperation and mentoring via an online service platform, bringing together older adults with younger generations, based on theoretical concepts for mentoring.


"NFOFRAS" - Greek National Forest Fire Risk Assessment System

The NFOFRAS project aims at the design and development of the Greek National Forest Fire Risk Assessment System (NFOFRAS system) through the development of algorithms for the extraction of Fire Risk Indices at forest level, based on high resolution satellite measurements of parameters that are being used as input for fire and fuel modelling.